The 4th ICC City Lab, which will take place until Friday, December 10, 2021, started successfully online yesterday, Tuesday 30 November 2021.

The 4th ICC City Lab is focusing on the reskilling and upskilling of the human resources while the 1st day was “open” for attendance by the general public.

The online meetings will focus on re-examining the role of cities in the midst of new climate change and their digital development aspirations, and there will be additional new networking opportunities with other ICC participating cities for exchange of good practices and consistent collaboration on common areas of interest.

Over the next two weeks, more than 400 participants are expected to attend, including European and international subject matter experts, European officials, academics and business representatives, international mentors and thematic network coordinators, and, of course, representatives from the cities that have been selected to participate in the European Commission program (100 Intelligent Cities Challenge – ICC).

From the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands, apart from the Mayor Meropi Ydraiou, was participating, as usual, the Deputy Mayor of European Programmes, Development, and E-Governance, Panagiota Tzanne (Project Manager), the Scientific Advisor, Victor Dimoulis (Assistant Project Manager), and the rest team of Corfu’s ICC team.