The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is a 2.5 year programme (until 2023) that builds on the successful Digital Cities Challenge of 2017/2019. The ICC is part of a wider EU support system contributing to a European Green Deal, an economy that works for the people and the transition of European cities into the Digital Age.
ICC Team of the City of Corfu
The 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge is a programme that can turn city ambitions into reality and by the end of the programme, cities should expect to not only be transformed with regard to their use of intelligent and advanced technologies, but to gain long-term smart eco-friendly sustainable growth as well, thus improving the quality of life and fostering new opportunities for citizens.
For this reason the ICC will also provide cities with strategies for circular economy, renewable energy solutions, and green mobility while simultaneously aspiring to the simplification of people’s lives through e-government and digitizing public services to make cities fit for the European Digital Age.
This specific programme requires that the cities deliver “quick wins” in the first 6 months, followed by larger projects that result in a measurable improvement in city life, especially concerning the following City goals:
City goal 1 – Waste management and circular economy
City goal 2 – e-Government and digitizing public services
City goal 3 – Smart and green mobility and transport
City goal 4 – Scaling up renewable energy solutions and energy-efficiency
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