The Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands in the European Mobility Week 2021
The Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands, faithful to its commitments to gradually turn the island of Corfu into a green, “smart” and sustainable destination, invites its citizens to participate in a series of events for the European Mobility Week which is organizing in a milestone year for this awareness campaign as is celebrating the 20 years of its existence in 2021. The Mayor of Central Corfu and the Diapontia Islands, Meropi Ydraiou, and the Commander of the Corfu Traffic Department gave a press conference today.
This year, for the European Mobility Week, the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands is carrying out a series of actions in the context of promoting the idea of Sustainable Mobility to its citizens. More particularly:
1) The electronic address of the virtual museum has already been posted on all the websites of the Municipality of Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands.
It presents with one click the history of the campaign, its impact, and its links to the European Commission’s broader sustainability priorities, such as the European Green Agreement. The museum also shares personal stories of behavior change, illustrating how EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK has inspired people across Europe to adapt their mobility habits to active mobility, public transport, and other clean, smart transport solutions.
2) Printed information and awareness material is available as well as, with the support of DIAPETHEK, special videos on sustainable mobility are shown. Yesterday it took place at the monument of Anunciata and today at 19.00 at the entrance of the Municipal Theater.
3) Also, in the framework of cooperation that has emerged, due to the program 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge – ICC, between the Municipality and the Computer Modeling Laboratory (CMODlab) of the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University and Professor, Mr. Markos Avlonitis have been placed in 10 key points of the city of Corfu, the same number of environmental stations (smart citizen SCK 2.1) for the measurement of a series of environmental parameters and air pollution caused to a significant extent by the use of vehicles within the city.
The data on air quality that will result from the specific environmental stations will be utilized mutually and accordingly by all stakeholders, while they will significantly help to measure the effectiveness of future measures to be taken for sustainable mobility within the city of Corfu.
This equipment is part of the project “Laertis” which is funded by the Ionian Islands RDP Program 2014-2020 and concerns the management of natural disasters, while citizens will be able to view the measurements from the environmental stations through the platform
4) The crews of Everyday Affairs of the Municipality will again carry out upgrade works on pedestrian crossings within the city, in order to further facilitate their use by the citizens.
5) It is noted that with a newer announcement of our Municipality, even more, relevant measures of sustainable mobility will be announced.
Finally, it is noted that the specific actions are also part of the participation of the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands in the program “100 Intelligent Cities Challenge” of the European Commission (100 Intelligent Cities Challenge – ICC), where the Municipality participates with the main axis “Waste Management” and Circular Economy ”and with secondary“ Green and Smart Mobility ”, in the general effort of the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands to effectively reduce its overall carbon footprint and to help substantially and practically in the protection of the environment.
Car Free Day
The Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands, participates in this collective effort with one more event, the Car Free Day, an action that will take place on Sunday, September 26, 2021, and will last from 9:00 am. until 14:00 p.m.
A) leaving to exclusive use pedestrians, bicycles, means of transport (Urban KTEL – Taxi) and carriages, areas of the historic center of Corfu town as well as part of the coastal front – Dimokratias Avenue.
Traffic regulations for the specific day, lasting from 9:00 p.m. until 14:00 p.m. a traffic ban will be carried out, as follows:
On the coastal Avenue Dimokratias from its junction with Alexandras Avenue, a pillar of Douglas, then on Agoniston Polytechniou, Eleftherias, Arseniou, and Donzelot streets until the old courts.
In Rizospaston Vouleutton Street from its junction with Alexandras Avenue, then in G. Aspioti and Akadimias Streets.
In Georgiou Theotoki Street, from its junction with Alexandras Avenue and then in Stamatiou Desylla Street.
For the above event, in cooperation with the Traffic Police, the necessary measures will be taken to manage traffic and prevent traffic accidents.
B) On the specific day and hours as defined above, the Corfu Urban KTEL offers for all lines:
free transportation of students (upon presentation of student ID) and
50% discount on fares for other passengers
in order to promote the movement of citizens with the MMM.
C) At the same time, the Directorate of Primary Education can participate in the event, with student creations that will take place in schools.
Residents of the above areas are kindly requested to show understanding, not to move unnecessarily, and to remove their cars during this action.