Cleaning – Recycling Office

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Deputy Mayor of Cleaning & Recycling


Seremetis Ioannis 
Head of Waste Management Department

Spyridon Koronakis

Responsibilities of the Waste Management Department
(Cleaning – Recycling Planning & Supervision Responsibilities)
  • Studies the organization and operation of the waste collection and transport system and ensures the issuance of the provided collection and transport permit.
  • Studies, plans and suggests for the improvement of the systems and means that are suitable for ensuring the collection and transport of waste and recyclable materials as well as the cleanliness of the common areas of the Municipality.
  • Studies and provides recommendation for the technical specifications and the necessary quantities of all kinds of technical means and materials required for the efficient and effective execution of the above functions (vehicles, technical means, bins, etc.).
  • Collects, maintains and processes data from the performance of cleaning functions and forms and monitors relevant efficiency indicators.
  • Establishes the appropriate programs for carrying out cleaning work (garbage collection, recyclable materials, street cleaning, special workshops, etc.).
  • Studies, plans and suggests the appropriate composition and staffing of the various workshops and suggests programs for human resources needs.
  • Monitors and coordinates the actions for the implementation of the plans and programs mentioned in the previous 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.
  • Identifies the locations and takes care of the placement of waste bins and recycling bins.
  • Observes the customary implementation of cleaning work programs and monitors the quality of the relevant work.
  • Monitors the availability of technical means required to carry out cleaning work and cooperates with the Department of Management & Maintenance of Vehicles – Machines for the best utilization of technical means available to the Municipality.
  • Prepares and ensures the implementation of training programs for the staff of the Directorate.
  • Administer for the formation and proper operation of the decentralized Waste Management Offices in municipal units of the Municipality.
  • It plans, in collaboration with the Management and the heads of the departments for the staff regular leave of absence, the overtime work, the work of the staff on Sundays and exceptional days.

(Responsibilities of Waste Collection – Recyclable materials, Cleaning of Common Areas and Special Workshops)

  • Forms the regulated programs and sets up a) the shifts for the collection of municipal waste and recyclable materials and their transfer to landfills or their processing plants, b) the workshops for the cleaning of streets and other public areas and the collection of waste in transhipment sites and c) special shifts.
  • Carries out with the appropriate shifts and technical means a) the task of collecting municipal waste and recycled materials and transporting them to landfills or their processing plants, b) cleaning the streets, other common areas, municipal buildings and latrines of the Municipality and their collection in places of transhipment c) the collection of bulky objects, the cleaning and removal of illegal posters and advertisements, the cleaning of abandoned houses, etc.
  • In collaboration with the overseeing department, takes care of the proper handling and maintenance of the vehicles and technical equipment used by the cleaning crews of the Department and informs about any problems that may arise.
  • Takes care of washing and keeping in good condition the bins and garbage collection bins and recyclable materials.
  • Establishes special shifts and performs similar tasks such as collecting bulky items, cleaning from illegal posters and advertisements, cleaning abandoned houses, etc.
  • Supervises the good execution of the cleaning efforts by the municipal service, as well as the assigned contracts for waste collection and cleaning of common areas of the Municipality.
  • Records and collects daily data for the execution of waste collection programs – recyclable materials.
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