Large electrical and electronic equipment

Home / Materials / Large electrical and electronic equipment

Every day materials

Washing machines
Electric kitchen machines
Microwave ovens
Air conditioners

How to save/ reuse

The web-based RE(W)EEE platform was designed and developed as part of the European project LIFE ReWeee (LIFE14/ENV/GR/000858). The web-based RE(W)EEE platform gives us the opportunity to donate or exchange electric and electronic devices that are no longer needed. In this way, we can exchange such devices in order so that these devices are not disposed of in trash receptacles.
In order to use it, we have to create a profile. By signing in, we get access to a variety of functional electrical and electronic devices.
If you have an electrical or electronic device that is not useful to you, you can exchange or donate it. Through such exchanges and donations, we protect the environment by contributing to the reduction of waste incurred by discarded electrical and electronic equipment and saving of valuable resources.

How to recycle

Separate collection of all large home appliances and electronics (eg. refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen ovens, large TVs etc) can only be arranged by communicating with the Cleaning – Recycling Office of the Municipality of Central Corfu and the Diapontian Islands, in order to establish a specific date and time for the collection of the appliance from the sidewalk nearest to the citizen’s home or business.
Communication lines are open from Monday to Friday 8am-3pm on 26610-24444 or 15601 (“serving the citizen”). Citizens can also arrange collection through Novoville, the Municipality’s new digital platform.
Alternatively, citizens can use their private vehicle (free of charge) to deliver their old appliances to electrical appliances stores, where they can purchase a new appliance.
For more information, you may follow the links in ‘external links and files’.
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